søndag 2. oktober 2011


  1. Favorite "famous" cheerleading team
  2. Favorite cheerlebrity
  3. Favorite jump
  4. Favorite stunt
  5. Favorite flyer position
  6. Favorite "famous" cheerleading uniform
  7. Favorite TV/movie cheerleading uniform
  8. Favorite cheerleading-movie
  9. Your team's colors
  10. A photo of you cheering/in your uniform
  11. The team you’re on, and a short description of it
  12. Fondest cheer-memory
  13. Your biggest goal as a cheerleader
  14. Favorite cheerleading photo (doesn't have to be of you/your squad)
  15. Favorite cheerleading blog(s), with links

Tenkte jeg skulle slenge meg på den her i løpet av de neste to ukene :) Kan jo være morro! :)

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